Overall, we want our apartment to be a minimalist design. It's an alcove studio/junior 1 bedroom, and we didn't want to feel cramped in the apartment. Since this rental isn't our "forever home", we didn't want to buy too many things if we aren't planning to live here for the next 10+ years. The pieces we picked to splurged on are items we knew we wanted to take with us to our next home. Also, we are planning to put home items on our wedding registry and need the space for them.
Still a work in progress, but I am excited to share our living room!
Desk Chair (aka Dan's gamer chair)
When Dan moved into the apartment, we knew we would both live together here eventually. The first item we bought for the apartment was the couch and based all our colors around it. We came across this couch at the CB2 store in Soho and absolutely loved the depth and how comfortable it was. I personally hate when you sit on a couch and you feel like you're sitting straight up. This couch is perfect for lounging in, and we both felt like it was worth the splurge. So far, no issues with getting it dirty!
It took me awhile to find a rug that went with the couch - but that's because I am picky :) . I didn't want something with a bold design, but something simple and to make the apartment look bright. I found this one online and love how it compliments the couch! Also, it's on sale!
Behind our couch, we have our succulents and house plants! Based on the sun and health of the plants, we move them around the apartment, but majority of the time they stay behind the couch. We found a table to fit perfectly into the extra space to elevate the plants on, and use underneath the table for storage.
As many people know, I hate the desk area hahaha, BUT it's Dan's little work area. His company is planning to have him work for home for the next few months, and it's a design area we are still working on. My hope is to use the desk area photos as a "before" and transform his space to be something anyone (including myself) would want to work in!
TV Area
This area needs a lot of improvement, but we will get there! Dan found a kit online + instructions for hiding the wires of the TV so the TV is floating. I am playing with different ideas of what to put underneath the TV - and right now I am thinking candles. Something that looks like this....
Leave a comment with your favorite home stores to shop at!