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After six years in Manhattan, we have decided to move!

Dan and I both moved to NYC after graduating from University of Arizona. This is the city we grew up in....during our twenties! We found success through our careers, grew as partners, made friends from all different backgrounds, and lived in our dream home! I never thought we would have a view of the High Line in Hudson Yards, but somehow we figured out a way to do it. We built a life in New York City exactly how we dreamed it would be. It feels good to say that.

We even thought of purchasing a home in NYC! We looked at a couple spots, but there was nothing we fell in love with. Plus, we realized it's a hefty price tag for a small space in NYC (condo/co-op fee's are crazy expensive in NYC). Since we don't have kids yet, we decided to pause on putting roots down anywhere. The real estate market is on fire right now, so we are continuing to save as much as we can until the opportunity feels right.

When Dan was approached with an opportunity to move, we never imagined life AFTER New York City. The idea of more space and warmer weather was music to our ears. After some soul-searching, Dan decided to take advantage of the opportunity. NYC feels part of our identity, but we are excited for the change and new lifestyle. If we don't like it, then we can always come home to NYC, but for now, we are excited to explore our new city.

So what will I be doing? I've been working on this blog + Instagram the last 4 (almost 5) years. I've built it to a point that I can financially support myself by going full-time with it. I've decided to take the leap and focus solely on The Modern Socialite! I am so, so, so grateful for this supportive community following my blog the last few years! Every like, comment, view, purchase through an affiliate link/sponsored post, etc. goes a long way. Thank you all for supporting The Modern Socialite blog! I am forever grateful.

The big question is...where are we moving too?! Well, I have dropped a few hints already in this blog post....more space and warmer weather! Our last day in NYC is July 30, and our stuff is shipping across the country and should be getting to our new home mid-August. Once we all arrive, I will fill you all in on the details :)


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